This is a premium brand, produced from faro 44/52 rice variety. It's a high quality milled brand of rice with high Nutritional value.
Bran Powder is a by-product of Rice Milling. It is used in poultry feeds production and contains high amount of oil and other minerals.
These are less than 3/4 of whole rice grains from the milling process which are being used for indigenous meal such as Massa, Tuwo Shinkafa e.t.c
This is the outermost layer of rice which is rich in fiber and used majorly for production of animal feeds.
CCA Rice is a truly refined Nigeria Brand, They just always deliver for me, Allowing us distributors re-stock by just placing order online.
I deal on rice and i am particularly interested in CCA premium parboiled rice produced by CCA Rice Mill. CCA rice is the best Nigeria Rice i have ever seen. It is 100% Nigeria grain and very good in cooking and so good in eating. As for me and my numerous customers it is either CCA rice or no rice.
I love my involvement with ccarice, I have been in wholesale business for over 12 years and i haven't seen rice grains in high demand by customers like cca rice. There's something peculiar about the product.
I love my involvement with ccarice, I have been in wholesale business for over 12 years and i haven't seen rice grains in high demand by customers like cca rice. There's something peculiar about the product.